Posted Apr 12th 23.
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The first-ever TRASHed Coachella Mini Bin Online Auction is live!

These are one-of-a-kind art pieces and exclusive TRASHed x Coachella 2023 memorabilia that you won’t be able to find anywhere else!  We're really excited about this year’s collection, we believe it’s the best one ever. We think it has the potential to be something really special. And, of course, we're all doing this for a great cause - to support our community's art program and ensure that it can continue to thrive for years to come. 

Any support you can provide, whether it be participating in the auction and/or sharing the auction on social media, would be greatly appreciated.

We believe that creativity is the force that changes the world. And it is our mission to put ART on eARTh.

Thanks so much for being a part of the TRASHed Art of Recycling program, and we hope we can count on you to help us make this auction a success!