Posted Aug 15th 22.
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If you believe in fighting for the Amazon and the indigenous people protecting the forest, please take a few minutes to watch the 20-minute conversationGlobal Inheritancerecently hosted featuring "THE TERRITORY'S" Alex Pritz(Director),Gabriel Uchida(Producer), and Txai Suruí(Executive Producer).We invite you to create a poster concept inspired by thetopics discussed.Not an artist? No problem - your concept doesn't need to be fancy or finished - just heartfelt, creative, and impactful!

Your poster art may be chosen to be transformed into a professional poster by the biggest names in art and design from Brazil. The final posters – in both English and Portuguese – will be made available to freely download and display, to help raise awareness of these important issues at home and abroad.

Submit your artwork via our POSTed Studio homepage by Sept. 2nd.

Visit the POSTed Studio x THE TERRITORY's campaign page for more details.